Friday 9 January 2015

A2 coursework- Product Design

This project is what I am currently working on for my A level coursework, the project is about re-designing a product to make it better. My idea is to recreate the lunch box this is because of the issue of it not being able to keep food chilled for a long period of time and to also make the aesthetic of the lunch box more attracting to children.

I researched into the history of a lunchbox and created a timeline of how the lunchbox has changed and developed over the years, I then looked at different trends of what lunch boxes children like to have, my research showed children tend to have their favourite character from a film or TV programme on the front of the lunch bag.

This is the summary of the research I collated and also my specification to revert back to when designing my lunchbox ideas, each point is colour coded for me to refer to throughout the designing stage. 
Design ideas 

I wanted my design ideas to be bold and appealing to my target audience who are young children between the age of 3-6 years old, next to my design sheet are different images which gave me inspiration for my ideas. The coloured boxing next to the annotated designs, is me referring back to the specification.

This is the modelling stage of my best design ideas to develop further, the decision was made by interviewing my client who is a nursery teacher, where she gave me information on what designs she liked and disliked. 
Developing design ideas further 

Currently I am at the stage of developing my design ideas, from the feedback I received,  from this I am making amendments to aspects people I feel need to be improved for example the ergonomics of the handle for the bag and the design of the bag. 

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